Transmission Repair - Brandon MB


"Absolutely great customer service today(April 1st, 2020)! Our 2010 F150 needed some attention. Diagnostics performed and a solution was performed. Op..."

- Doug Treloar

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Customer Testimonials

The Lyons Transmission Centre staff of transmission service & repair technicians and management realize that our auto repair customers are the most valued asset of our auto repair shop. We are always happy to receive testimonials from shop customers and equally happy to share their feedback with you!

Absolutely great customer service today(April 1st, 2020)! Our 2010 F150 needed some attention. Diagnostics performed and a solution was performed. Options were provided for other items that were noted during their detailed inspection and were completely left at our discretion whether to proceed or not. When we arrived to pick the vehicle up it was running and warm. Thank you Kirby and staff.
- Doug Treloar
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